NDIS has various accommodation options available to participants, and at times this can be confusing to navigate. Affinity is funded and registered to deliver in home support to participants through both Supported Independent Living and Individualised Living Options. We will tailor a package to meet your needs and work with you to live as independently as possible. We aim to make this process as quick and easy as possible to ensure that you get the results that you are after. Please read below the information about our available services and reach out to us if you have any questions.
Whether you have a house already and just need to staff it with support workers, or are seeking to establish a new home with a new team - we are here to help. Our team will assist with the completion of daily tasks such as self cares, meal prep, house cleaning and more as well as assist you to build your skills and capacity.
Our team can assist you as often as you require, whether it be overnight or just during the day. We are able to tailor a package to meet your needs. We will match you with a support worker, or team of workers, who will ensure that you are able to live as independently as possible while still having the support you need for daily activities or accessing the community.
ILO was developed by the NDIS to live the way that suits you. Whether this means you are living on your own or living with housemates, ILO funding allows you to explore your options whilst having increased supports through support workers.
We will work with you to tailor a package that best suits your needs whilst having a team of regular workers on board to make sure you are supported wholistically. We will ensure that you are living the way you want to, whilst having a dedicated team around you to ensure that you are able to continue accessing the community and completing daily tasks.